How to Improve Hair and Nails Through Your Diet

Our physical behaviors are mostly determined by genetics, but you can help nature along with changes in your diet. Your diet is highly effective on your body parts and you look like what you eat. To get your hair and nails in the best shape possible from the inside out a balance is important, below some foods are discussed to get healthy and beautiful hair and nails.
High-Quality Protein Foods
High-Quality Protein Foods

High Protein Foods: 
Proteins are incredibly important for our body. Protein is the main part of muscles, skin, hair, and nails. It performs the major role to repair and maintenance of the body. Protein develops hormone in the body which are used to communicate between cells and organs. Take high-quality protein foods. Eggs, Spinach, Sun-Dried Tomatoes, Guava, Artichokes, Peas, Grass- Feed Beef or Red Meat and Chicken Etc. are the basic foods which contain high protein.
Fresh Vegetable Fruits and Dry Fruits:
Eat grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds. Make sure your diet is composed of 50 percent fresh fruits and vegetables.

Sulfur and Silicon-Rich Foods: 
Sulfur and Silicon are best supplements to protect hair and nails. You should make this a necessary part of your routine diet. Add sulfur and silicon-rich foods to the diet. Onions, celery, cucumber, beets, broccoli, fish and sea vegetables are all good sources of said food.
Biotin Food:
Biotin is especially important for hair growth and health. Take food rich in biotins, like brewer's yeast, eggs, bananas, Almonds, milk, brown rice, and soybeans.

These tiny flaxseeds are the big source of vitamins and minerals, Fiber, phytochemicals, and omega3 fatty acids. Which helps to control blood cholesterol, strengthens the bones, and improves the digestive system. So usage of flaxseed is important for beautifying your nails and hair   Sprinkle ground flaxseed on your cereal. 

Vitamins B: 
Vitamins B helps to get healthy hair take foods high in B vitamins.


Take tea made from herbs such as alfalfa, burdock root, dandelion, and yellow dock.

Fruits and Vegetable
Fruits and Vegetable 


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